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The Logbook of the Future by Carter Hausen (Not a source)

Note to readers:

Whenever I find the time, I update this book. If you want to check my book for updates, I advise you to check every week. Please give me your thoughts! Here is my contact information: (Personal email) (Business website)

(435)238-0936 (Personal call and text phone number)


-Carter Hausen


The Logbook of the Future

By Carter S. Hausen (or C. S. Hausen?)


Azriel Eythor

I have started this logbook to keep a record of our world’s downfall if that is the case. This planet, if there is still a planet, is or once was called Earth. My name is Azriel Eythor, one of the few still capable of writing the truth in the country Popdoi, one of the countries taken by the cunning of the young tyrant, Karis Jada.

Karis Jada once had a street life as an orphan. His mother had passed away when he was five, and his father was killed in the war when Jada was seven. Since Jada’s father had been killed, Jada ran away.

Being a runaway, Jada lived a hard life on the streets. He quickly learned to pickpocket, steal food, and survive any way he could. He knew he did not want to live in rags forever, so he started a gang.

His gang started at ten members. Then the number climbed to one hundred. Then a thousand. After a little while, there were ten thousand runaways, thieves, homeless people, and prison escapees when he was nineteen years old.

Once he realized that as a leader of this gang, he was making an income that made it possible to own a house and a car, he decided to start making more money for himself and for his gang. No more little jobs like shoplifting or pick pocketing. They would take over the world.

The soon-to-be tyrant knew that starting a war would be foolish, considering that his ten thousand was a speck compared to the smallest country. He had to think of some secret weapon that would at the least equalize his band to every country on planet Earth put together.

After a year of searching for this secret weapon, Jada realized that ten of his men would have finished their doctorates in chemistry If they had not committed the crimes they did. These men were next to any other famous chemist. Compared to Marie Curie, Dmitri Mendeleev, they were equals.

These ten men were told by Commander Jada to find some secret chemical weapon that was so powerful that it would make them all tyrants over the whole world.

Before long, the geniuses reported to Commander Jada that they had the prototype of such a Weapon…


Hello. My name is Karis Jada. I assume you have heard my backstory already. Most of it is true. I’m also sure you have felt at least a pinch of sympathy for me, knowing that I have had had a hard life. I had to eat out of the garbage sometimes! I literally always was staring Death in the face. It was a matter of who was stronger.

Log: 5/4/2024

Karis Jada

I ran away from home once I became orphaned. Imagine being a seven-year-old, running away from home because there is no one in the world who loves you anymore. The only two friends you have in the world, your mama and papa died. You could not begin to understand how forlorn I was. I ran into the street, taking the rest of the food left in the house (one loaf of bread and a few strips of bacon). I ran about a mile and fell in the mud, and my emotions took over me.

I must have wept in mental agony for many hours of the night. It took me all my strength to collect myself, and I stood. I realized that daylight would come soon, and I must hide myself or I would be taken to the terrifying orphanage. I knew that it was up to me, now. I understood that I must find my own food and water. No one cared about my survival but I.

Log: 12/5/2021

It has been about one month since I ran away. The first couple of weeks, I felt I was going to starve to death. I dared not to beg for money for fear of the potential questions that would likely imprison me in the orphanage. This means I had only one option: getting my food, water, and money using dishonest actions.

The first day, I neglected this option, eating the rest of my prepared food. The second day, I ate no food. The third day, I was the hungriest I had ever been, so I gave in to my temptations and worked out a plan. About an hour later, I saw my target: a man who was invested in conversation. His wallet was protruding from his pocket about an inch. I would walk toward him confidently as though he was my father (coming from behind, of course).


Log: 1/3/2035

Ten months ago, a leak in Jada’s gang told the UK anonymously that there was a Weapon that was so powerful, it could destroy the whole country in a minute. Word spread quickly throughout the world. The Russians exclaimed, “Эта группа, если есть такая группа, должна быть остановлена!”. The Chinese wondered, “我們中間有這個群體嗎?” The Germans lamented, “Wie konnten wir jemals eine solche Macht besiegen?”

The world was in chaos.

Billions or trillions of innocent people understood there was no escape, and they knew that only a few of the world’s population will survive if this evil man and his gang utilized the Weapon to take over the world.

Log: 3/9/2035

In the last ten years, our world has had more technological advances than any other decade. We do not drive cars anymore. We fly in personal aerial vehicles, called UAVs. Humans no longer do jobs such as welding, building, painting, or other manual work. Robots containing batteries that harness the power of strong magnets do those jobs without being charged.

There have been many other advances, and there will be many more advances. Scientists have been researching something about synthetization of essential elements. New medicines are being researched to end typhotismiltoa, the most recent of the virus pandemics we have experienced. We have discovered distant high-frequency radio waves originating perhaps two billion light-years away. We have not found what may have created the signals, but that is one of our research priorities.

Perhaps there is a material that may protect us from the Weapon if it is used. The country Stifezia (Formerly the United States of America) is commanding their best scientists, chemists, engineers, and others to find some technology that may before the worst comes, give them hope to be saved.

Log: 8/23/2035

We have not found a proper defense to protect us from the now almost inevitable use of the Weapon against us. None of the countries have found one of this band, but they can feel that the evil and dreaded Weapon was almost done. We all felt the strain of it on our bodies, no doubt very harmful. No one knows where the Weapon is, or where even the whereabouts of a single member of the gang. The band is everywhere. In every country. Every city. They have not been found, though. They all live normal lives. They act like the innocent, they go shopping like the innocent, they simply are too much like the innocent. Finding a single clue or stitch in Jada’s system is almost impossible.

Log: 9/16/2035

Today at 53,0.4, according to our reckoning of time, all the citizens of Popdoi had a curious sensation. The news features our MDHDs (Multi-Dimensional Holographic Devices) informed us that some sort of unknown source from the North-East had produced a huge amount of some sort of radiation-like signal that was so strong, it would have been very dangerous if it was radiation as we know it.

This signal was very strange, it seems to affect everyone within range in a psychological way. For some, they had no idea what had happened (It seemed like some sort of memory loss), some who hated their jobs enjoyed it for a moment, and some even did thing they would not ever done, unless they had the courage. There were people who just suddenly left their homes to go rock climbing or attend other activities.

Log: 2/3/2036

Scientists are still stunned. A signal like this had never been discovered before. Such a signal must have been created only by a ‘bomb’ that includes a ‘radioactive’ element that has not been discovered. This is very strange because the elements we have discovered in the last 10 years (Synthium 119, Massium 120, and raymium 121) are very stable. They have not been proven to be useful in any way because they are much more toxic than the most toxic compounds known. It is much too risky to synthesize it anymore.

This new element is obviously the opposite of the elements listed previously. It would have to be extremely ‘radioactive’ in its own way. It would also have to be so non-toxic that it has the same amount of toxicity as water. It would have to be extremely reactive and non-stable.

It seems to our best scientists that this element may be anywhere from the 200th to the 300th element according to the atomic numbering system created by Dmitri Mendeleev. This means that it must have been synthesized using equipment and techniques that are not known to the public. That kind of technology and mindset should have been known after perhaps hundreds of years from now. After the research of generations of great scientists, their knowledge being built upon the previous knowledge.

Scientists are working hard to somehow re-discover this new element, but after about a month, they still had nowhere to go.

Log 5/27/2036

This afternoon, not only Popdoi had this curious sensation. The UK, Dominoria, and Ganallia also felt it. This strange event became stronger and is starting to change the way people think and what they do. We have not found any way to re-create this element, but our best scientists have found a way to trace any signal and sort of reverse-engineer the element that created it. We will know what this new element is the next time such a signal is detected.

To be continued... (Check back, there may be an update!)

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