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'The Princess Bride by William Goldman' Review by Carter Hausen

Carter Hausen

Mr. Earnest

Power of Story

10 October 2021

Review for the Princess Bride Book

For every heart, for every soul, there is a book. A book that both heart and soul yearns to read, though it may not be known. A book that escorts you to a new time and place, therefore it effectively burns to your core like a firebrand put to a wooden crate. Though not every heart is delighted by a romance novel and every soul enticed by a story of adventure, there is a book that may suffice many: The Princess Bride.

The Princess Bride. A novel of thrilling adventure, a story of romance, a book of revenge. This expertly and carefully written book resonates perfectly with perhaps everyone. If you wish to know why else this book resonates with the reader so well, it would be well for you to read the following summary.

There was once a beautiful princess and a farm boy that fell in love. The farm boy left to go to America to earn money for them. The princess was told that the farm boy was killed by pirates. The prince had to get married. The prince chose the princess. The princess was kidnapped. The farm boy somehow came back to save the princess. The farm boy beat the fencing champion. The farm boy beat the giant champion. The farm boy beat a genius. The farm boy ran with the princess, though the princess did not recognize him. The farm boy sees that the prince is going to get him. The princess pushes the farm boy down the hill. The farm boy revealed himself as the farm boy. The princess falls down the hill after the farm boy. They speak to each other. They walk through the fire swamp. Princess falls into sand pit. Farm boy goes in to save her. They come out alive. The farm boy is attacked by a R.O.U.S. They are surrounded by the prince and his men. Princess surrenders. Farm boy is taken to the prince’s underground zoo. Princess begs prince to let princess marry farm boy and not prince. Princess sends four letters to find the farm boy. The farm boy is tortured. The farm boy is now tortured with the Machine. Prince kills farm boy. Farm boy’s body is taken to Miracle Max. Miracle Max makes resurrection pill. Farm boy is alive. Farm boy guides two people to break into castle. Prince and princess are married. Princess goes to her room and attempts suicide. Farm boy saves her. They ride horses into the forest. They are attacked by the prince. The end.

One part that resonated with me are the challenges that the farm boy went through to get to the princess. The farm boy beat a fencing champion. A wizard! That means that the farm boy is the most talented fencer in the world. The farm boy is the new world champion. Resonation: skill and talent.

Another part that resonated with me is the part where the farm boy jumped into the sand pit after the princess. Resonation: bravery and heroism.

At closing, I just wanted to tell you what I think of this book. I highly recommend this book. I have never read a better book in my life. I would rate this book from 1 to 100, 97. Thanks for reading! I hope you read the Princess Bride very soon.

Cited Sources:

Goldman, William. "The Princess Bride.", 1973.

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