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The Journey of Life by Carter Hausen (Not a Source)

The Journey of Life

By Carter Hausen


I found myself in Darkness. I did not remember how long I had been in Darkness; all I knew was I suddenly found myself in Darkness. “Why have I been taken to this awful place?”, I asked myself. When I asked myself, I felt a Sting. Deep within myself, I knew why I was in Darkness. It was the result of my own actions.

“Is anyone else here?”, I cried out. after a moment, I heard the soft echo of a strained voice, “Hello!”. I could not sense which direction the shout had come from because it seemed to come from every direction. I immediately learned two things: If I stayed, I would always feel alone in Darkness. Also, I would not know where to go or what to do.

I wept, “What must I do? Where may I go? Who may be my friend? What shall I eat to suffice my hunger? What shall relieve my scorched throat?”

I knew that if I stayed in Darkness, I may never see my hometown, Light again. “But is that really that bad?”, I thought, “I came here because the town of Light had become too uncomfortable for me. I hated being different from the others. I just did not fit in there.” That, I was starting to realize, is why I came. Here, I could hide from the Righteous, the inhabitants of the town, Light.

But does it really make me happier to live in Darkness for Eternity? I was great friends with Joy, Forgiveness, Fulfillment, Righteousness, and Holiness when I was like them. When Others tried to befriend me and show me their ways, I decided to try being like them a little. My Lightful Friends warned me not to befriend Sin, Anger, Misery, and Pride, I rejected my Lightful Friends because I had become fond of my Dark Friends and felt much different than them.

On my journey to Darkness, my Lightful Friends tried to stop me, saying, “Doubtful, please come back. We will help you to be like us again.” I informed my Lightful Friends, “I do not feel comfortable there anymore. I have found an exciting new life in Darkness. Will you join me?” They declined. “We will never go to such a place. If you need help getting back, we will be very glad to assist you.

The next thing I knew was that I was in Darkness. Alone. Before I arrived, I was informed by my Dark Friends that once we get there, the only way to get where we want is by walking in any direction. After I questioned my decisions and wept, I followed my friends’ advice. I walked carefully, stubbing my toe and tripping many times. My footsteps echoed as if the sound I made bounced off a wall in front of me did not permit the sound to go through, therefore bouncing the sound back toward me. I never found a wall where I would think there would be one. I never found an exit, a change in terrain, or an increase in light. Though I thought it could be no increase in darkness, somehow it came. It became darker anywhere I went. Even when I re-traced my footsteps it became darker.

After months of aimless wandering, I had found that the advice of my Dark Friends was sometimes true. Making the choice to continue in Darkness alone brought me deeper into Darkness. I also made conscious decisions to do what my Dark Friends did. While making these decisions, I made a bigger, more personal choice that I wanted Darkness. So that is where I went. Their advice was not always true; however. When I wished to be a good, righteous person (without the assistance of my Lightful Friends, of course), I searched for the town of Light, but I seemed to go in circles, not advancing my way toward Light.

I asked my Dark Friends about how to get back to Light, but they would not tell me. How could they? They themselves could not find a way back if they tried.

It was then that I remembered what my Lightful friends told me just before I left their presence: “If you need help getting back, we will be very glad to assist you.”. “Do I really want to go back?” I asked myself as questions swelled in my mind. “Will my Lightful Friends accept me after what I did to them? Do I prefer to be alone in Darkness where no one can judge me, or get help and risk being judged? Will the pain be worth the reward?”

After two years, I decided that I would take all the risks and pain associated with being comfortable once again in Light. I asked my Lightful Friends to help me journey back to Light.

I first confabbed with Forgiveness. He told me that I must not talk with, look at, or even think about my Dark Friends or Dark anymore if I desired to ever enter the city of Light. “The journey will be a difficult journey,” He informed me, “trekking over obstacles like the highest mountains and scaling the most dangerous cliffs. It is always easier to be like Natural Man, going in arbitrary directions, as you have noticed. You did not scale cliffs or climb mountains to get here. But trying makes you stronger. I know you can do this with our help. I am glad to see you again, old friend.”

I felt a feeling of certainty and almost joy to start my journey. My Lightful Friends gave me a rope to use while I made my tedious journey. Their help made it easier for me, but it was still very much a struggle. As I resisted evil and allowed myself to receive Light, I felt more and more joy in small increments. It took me many years to get back, but it became easier the closer that I came to Light.

Now, I am standing on the end of the trail leading to Light. I have made it. I feel wonderful; like I once felt. I am purified by my Savior. I am like him. I have become his friend. I have no worries. I have no pain. I have no regrets. I have become humbled. I am coming Home.

I am now entering Light. Now, I am entering the Great Castle. I now am standing face to face with my own personal Savior and Friend, my Lord and God. “You have come,” my God welcomed me, “Are you ashamed to tell me of your travels?”

I replied, “No. I have learned to be like You. I have forsaken my sins to come. I have done many great works in your name and praised the Sound of your Name. I have come home if you will accept me.”

My God told me, “I will accept you into my house. I know that you have once sinned against me, but I offered you to come with My son, Forgiveness. You have dedicated your life to Me and chosen to keep my Commandments. You have scaled the Cliffs of Joy and climbed the Mountains of Eternal Life. Come into My Rest for Eternity.”

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